jeudi 20 mars 2008
mercredi 19 mars 2008
Notre prophéte Mohamed (saws)

Cette fois ci je vais consacrer ce note à dénombrer les qualités de notre Cher prophète Mohamed (saws) et j'ai voulu que mon message soit transmis à tous le public et surtout à ceux qui ne connaissent pas notre prophète pour ça j ai choisi que ma note soit en anglais.
"By the grace of Allah, you are gentle towards the people; if you had been stern and ill-tempered, they would have dispersed from round about you" (translation of Qur'an 3:159)
About himself the prophet (pbuh) said
"Allah has sent me as an apostle so that I may demonstrate perfection of character, refinement of manners and loftiness of deportment." (Malik, Mawatta; Ahmed, Musnad; Mishkat)
About himself the prophet (pbuh) said
"Allah has sent me as an apostle so that I may demonstrate perfection of character, refinement of manners and loftiness of deportment." (Malik, Mawatta; Ahmed, Musnad; Mishkat)
By nature he was gentle and kind hearted, always inclined to be gracious and to overlook the faults of others. Politeness and courtesy, compassion and tenderness, simplicity and humility, sympathy and sincerity were some of the keynotes of his character. In the cause of right and justice he could be resolute and severe but more often than not, his severity was tempered with generosity. He had charming manners which won him the affection of his followers and secured their devotion. Though virtual king of Arabia and an apostle of Allah, he never assumed an air of superiority. Not that he had to conceal any such vein by practice and artifice: with fear of Allah, sincere humility was ingrained in his heart. He used to say,
"I am a Prophet of Allah but I do not know what will be my end." (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Chapter "Al-Janaiz")
"I am a Prophet of Allah but I do not know what will be my end." (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Chapter "Al-Janaiz")
In one of his sermons calculated to instill the fear of Allah and the day of reckoning in the hearts of men, he said,
"O people of Quraish be prepared for the hereafter, I cannot save you from the punishment of Allah; O Bani Abd Manaf, I cannot save you from Allah; O Abbas, son of Abdul Mutalib, I cannot protect you either; O Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, even you I cannot save." (Sahahin) He used to pray,
"O people of Quraish be prepared for the hereafter, I cannot save you from the punishment of Allah; O Bani Abd Manaf, I cannot save you from Allah; O Abbas, son of Abdul Mutalib, I cannot protect you either; O Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, even you I cannot save." (Sahahin) He used to pray,
"O Allah! I am but a man. If I hurt any one in any manner, then forgive me and do not punish me." (Ahmed, Musnad, Vol. 6 pg. 103) He always received people with courtesy and showed respect to older people and stated:
"To honor an old man is to show respect to Allah." He would not deny courtesy even to wicked persons. It is stated that a person came to his house and asked permission for admission. The prophet (pbuh) remarked that he was not a good person but might be admitted. When he came in and while he remained in the house, he was shown full courtesy. When he left Aiysha (ra) said,
"You did not think well of this man, but you treated him so well."
"To honor an old man is to show respect to Allah." He would not deny courtesy even to wicked persons. It is stated that a person came to his house and asked permission for admission. The prophet (pbuh) remarked that he was not a good person but might be admitted. When he came in and while he remained in the house, he was shown full courtesy. When he left Aiysha (ra) said,
"You did not think well of this man, but you treated him so well."
The prophet (pbuh) replied,
"He is a bad person in the sight of Allah who does not behave courteously and people shun his company because of his bad manners." (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari)
"He is a bad person in the sight of Allah who does not behave courteously and people shun his company because of his bad manners." (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari)
He was always the first to greet another and would not withdraw his hand from a handshake till the other man withdrew his. If one wanted to say something in his ears, he would not turn away till one had finished (Abu Dawud, Tirmizi). He did not like people to get up for him and used to say,
"Let him who likes people to stand up in his honour, he should seek a place in hell." (Abu Dawud, Kitabul Adab, Muhammadi Press, Delhi). He would himself, however, stand up when any dignitary came to him. He had stood up to receive the wet nurse who had reared him in infancy and had spread his own sheet for her. His foster brother was given similar treatment. He avoided sitting at a prominent place in a gathering, so much so that people coming in had difficulty in spotting him and had to ask which was the Prophet (pbuh). Quite frequently uncouth bedouins accosted him in their own gruff and impolite manner but he never took offence. (Abu Dawud Kitabul Atama).
He used to visit the poorest of ailing persons and exhorted all muslims to do likewise (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Chapter "Attendance on ailing persons"). He would sit with the humblest of persons saying that righteousness alone was the criterion of one's superiority over another. He invariably invited people be they slaves, servants or the poorest believers, to partake with him of his scanty meals (Tirmizi, Sunan Tirmizi).
Whenever he visited a person he would first greet him and then take his permission to enter the house. He advised the people to follow this etiquette and not to get annoyed if anyone declined to give permission, for it was quite likely the person concerned was busy otherwise and did not mean any disrespect (Ibid).
There was no type of household work too low or too undignified for him. Aiysha (ra) has stated,
"He always joined in household work and would at times mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor. He would milk, tether, and feed his animals and do the household shopping." (Qazi Iyaz: Shifa; Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Chapter: Kitabul Adab)
"Let him who likes people to stand up in his honour, he should seek a place in hell." (Abu Dawud, Kitabul Adab, Muhammadi Press, Delhi). He would himself, however, stand up when any dignitary came to him. He had stood up to receive the wet nurse who had reared him in infancy and had spread his own sheet for her. His foster brother was given similar treatment. He avoided sitting at a prominent place in a gathering, so much so that people coming in had difficulty in spotting him and had to ask which was the Prophet (pbuh). Quite frequently uncouth bedouins accosted him in their own gruff and impolite manner but he never took offence. (Abu Dawud Kitabul Atama).
He used to visit the poorest of ailing persons and exhorted all muslims to do likewise (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Chapter "Attendance on ailing persons"). He would sit with the humblest of persons saying that righteousness alone was the criterion of one's superiority over another. He invariably invited people be they slaves, servants or the poorest believers, to partake with him of his scanty meals (Tirmizi, Sunan Tirmizi).
Whenever he visited a person he would first greet him and then take his permission to enter the house. He advised the people to follow this etiquette and not to get annoyed if anyone declined to give permission, for it was quite likely the person concerned was busy otherwise and did not mean any disrespect (Ibid).
There was no type of household work too low or too undignified for him. Aiysha (ra) has stated,
"He always joined in household work and would at times mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor. He would milk, tether, and feed his animals and do the household shopping." (Qazi Iyaz: Shifa; Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Chapter: Kitabul Adab)
He would not hesitate to do the menial work of others, particularly of orphans and widows (Nasi, Darmi). Once when there was no male member in the house of the companion Kabab Bin Arat who had gone to the battlefield, he used to go to his house daily and milk his cattle for the inhabitants (Ibn Saad Vol. 6, p 213).
He was especially fond of children and used to get into the spirit of childish games in their company. He would have fun with the children who had come back from Abyssinia and tried to speak in Abyssinian with them. It was his practice to give lifts on his camel to children when he returned from journeys (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2 pg.886). He would pick up children in his arms, play with them, and kiss them. A companion, recalling his childhood, said,
"In my childhood I used to fell dates by throwing stones at palm trees. Somebody took me to the Prophet (pbuh) who advised me to pick up the dates lying on the ground but not to fell them with stones. He then patted me and blessed me." (Abu Dawud)
He was especially fond of children and used to get into the spirit of childish games in their company. He would have fun with the children who had come back from Abyssinia and tried to speak in Abyssinian with them. It was his practice to give lifts on his camel to children when he returned from journeys (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2 pg.886). He would pick up children in his arms, play with them, and kiss them. A companion, recalling his childhood, said,
"In my childhood I used to fell dates by throwing stones at palm trees. Somebody took me to the Prophet (pbuh) who advised me to pick up the dates lying on the ground but not to fell them with stones. He then patted me and blessed me." (Abu Dawud)
samedi 15 mars 2008
Anywhere is
by Enya
by Enya
I walk the maze of moments
But everywhere I turn to begins a new beginning
But never finds a finish
I walk to the horizon
And there I find another
It all seems so surprising
And then I find that I know
You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere Is
The moon upon the ocean
Is swept around in motion
But without ever knowing
The reason for its flowing
In motion on the ocean
The moon still keeps on moving
The waves still keep on waving
And I still keep on going
{au Refrain}
I wonder if the stars sign
the life that is to be mine
And would they let their light shine
Enough for me to follow
I look up to the heavens
But night has clouded over
No spark of constellation
No Vela no Orion
The shells upon the warm sands
Have taken from their own lands
The echo of their story
But all I hear are low sounds
As pillow words are weaving
And willow waves are leaving
But should I be believing
That I am only dreaming
{au Refrain}
To leave the thread of all time
And let it make a dark line
In hopes that I can still find
The way back to the moment
I took the turn and turned to
Begin a new beginning
Still looking for the answer
I cannot find the finish
It's either this or that way
It's one way or the other
It should be one direction
It could be on reflection
The turn I have just taken
The turn that I was making
I might be just beginning
I might be near the end
But everywhere I turn to begins a new beginning
But never finds a finish
I walk to the horizon
And there I find another
It all seems so surprising
And then I find that I know
You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere Is
The moon upon the ocean
Is swept around in motion
But without ever knowing
The reason for its flowing
In motion on the ocean
The moon still keeps on moving
The waves still keep on waving
And I still keep on going
{au Refrain}
I wonder if the stars sign
the life that is to be mine
And would they let their light shine
Enough for me to follow
I look up to the heavens
But night has clouded over
No spark of constellation
No Vela no Orion
The shells upon the warm sands
Have taken from their own lands
The echo of their story
But all I hear are low sounds
As pillow words are weaving
And willow waves are leaving
But should I be believing
That I am only dreaming
{au Refrain}
To leave the thread of all time
And let it make a dark line
In hopes that I can still find
The way back to the moment
I took the turn and turned to
Begin a new beginning
Still looking for the answer
I cannot find the finish
It's either this or that way
It's one way or the other
It should be one direction
It could be on reflection
The turn I have just taken
The turn that I was making
I might be just beginning
I might be near the end
vendredi 14 mars 2008
histoire de moral
Un homme entra dans un salon de coiffure pour se faire couper les cheveux et tailler sa barbe comme il le faisait régulièrement.Il entama la conversation avec le barbier coiffeur. Ils discutèrent de sujets nombreux et variés. Soudain, ils abordèrent le sujet d'ALLAH.Le barbier dit :" Ecoute, je ne crois pas qu'ALLAH existe comme tu le dis. "" Pourquoi dis-tu cela? " répondit le client." Bien, c'est facile, tu n'as qu'à sortir dans la rue pour comprendre qu'Allah n'existe pas. Dis-moi, si ALLAH existait, y aurait-il tant de gens malades? Y aurait-il tant d'enfants abandonnés? Si ALLAH existait, il n'y aurait pas de souffrance ni de peine. Je ne peux penser à un ALLAH qui permet toutes ces choses. "Le client s'arrêta un moment pour penser mais il ne voulut pas répondre pour éviter tout confrontation. Le barbier termina son travail et le client sortit du salon. Tout de suite après sa sortie, il vit un homme dans la rue avec de longs cheveux et une barbe (il semblait bien qu'il avait été comme ça longtemps sans s'être occupé de lui-même car il avait l'air vraiment négligé).Le client retourna donc dans le salon et dit au barbier: " Tu sais quoi? Les barbiers n'existent pas. "" Comment ça, les barbiers n'existent pas?" demanda le barbier. " Ne suis-je pas ici et ne suis-je pas un barbier moi-même? "" Non! " s'écria le client. " Ils n'existent pas parce que s'ils existaient, il n'y aurait pas de gens avec de longs cheveux et la barbe longue comme cet homme qui marche dans la rue. "" Ah, les barbiers existent. Ce qui arrive, c'est que les gens ne viennent pas à moi."" Exactement! " affirma le client. "Tu l'as dit : ALLAH existe. Ce qui arrive c'est que les gens ne vont pas vers LUI et ne LE cherche pas, c'est pourquoi il y a tant de souffrance dans le monde.
jeudi 13 mars 2008
Ça fait longtemps j'ai été tagué par mannou et parce que ces dernier temps j'étais un peu occupé j ai pas trouvé le temps pour écrire sur mon blog. Le règle de jeu consiste à dévoiler 6 petits trucs "sans importance" qui me concernent en taguant 6 autres bloggueurs.
D'abord, voici le règlement du jeu:
1- Mettre le lien de la personne qui vous a taguée
2- Mettre le règlement du jeu sur votre blog
3- Mentionner six trucs sans importance sur vous
4- Taguer six autres personnes à votre tour.
5- Les prévenir sur leurs blogs
Voici mes 6 petits secrets :
1- j’aime la music turque elle est vraiment extraordinaire
2- j ai une phobie de l’électricité
3- j’aime la mer mais je ne mange plus les fruits de mer
4- j’aime bien un jour participer à des associations de charité
5- j'adors tout ce qui est classique la musique, les films et mm les vétements
6- J’aime les tests psychologiques parce qu'ils m'aident a connaître mes défauts ainsi je peux les corriger et connaître mes vertus.
les blogs tagués sont :
3- Différences
4-Sami III
5-Les tergiversations d\'une fille
c'est a vous de jouer ........
D'abord, voici le règlement du jeu:
1- Mettre le lien de la personne qui vous a taguée
2- Mettre le règlement du jeu sur votre blog
3- Mentionner six trucs sans importance sur vous
4- Taguer six autres personnes à votre tour.
5- Les prévenir sur leurs blogs
Voici mes 6 petits secrets :
1- j’aime la music turque elle est vraiment extraordinaire
2- j ai une phobie de l’électricité
3- j’aime la mer mais je ne mange plus les fruits de mer
4- j’aime bien un jour participer à des associations de charité
5- j'adors tout ce qui est classique la musique, les films et mm les vétements
6- J’aime les tests psychologiques parce qu'ils m'aident a connaître mes défauts ainsi je peux les corriger et connaître mes vertus.
les blogs tagués sont :
3- Différences
4-Sami III
5-Les tergiversations d\'une fille
c'est a vous de jouer ........
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